Meet Cynthe ~ Certified Clinical Aromatherapist & Essential Oils Educator

WELCOME to natural wellness using pure essential oils, nature's healing gift.

Essential Oils Certified Practitioner, Cynthe Brush

Cynthe Brush
Prescott AZ USA

  • For quick essential oils questions, please click the link.
  • If you want an in-depth health consultation appointment, please read about our services, so you understand the knowledge offered. Then, fill out the Health In-take Form by clicking the ‘Health Issues?’ graphic in the right sidebar.
  • For other inquiries, my contact info is listed below my photo.

Thanks!  Cynthe Brush, CCA

Certified Clinical (Medical) Essential Oils Aromatherapist (2009) ~ Essential Oils User & Advocate since 1999 ~ Formulating Custom Healing Blends (2003) ~ Natural Health Educator 

ADVERSE TO PILLS and PHARMACEUTICALS (except when absolutely necessary), but with a keen interest in health and alternative self-help options, I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils in 1999 by a friend, an alternative healer / Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner.

For me, a long-time gardener, vegetarian, and organic health foods consumer, using pure therapeutic essential oils for self-help, well-being and harmony is a natural venue.

Beauty and fragrance, nature and nurture with a special affinity for flowers and trees, critters and creature comforts – I appreciate everything wonderful! An enthusiast ~ observant, perceptive, and caregiving ~ I’ve ‘mothered and ministered’ others from a tender age starting with my baby sister…pets, friends, parents, partners, kids and co-workers.

~ Clinical Aromatherapy Consultation: Research and education on individual health issues.
~ Creating custom essential oils blends for folks’ healing journeys.

Began creating self-help essential oil blends with my daughter-in-law, Briana’s collaboration. Some of the blends have yielded remarkable results… soothing & clearing herpes lesions, minimizing scar tissue, relieving dizziness from vertigo, easing backaches, muscle spasms & cramps etc.

As a purely creative expression of aroma’s transformative beauty, I’ve introduced several collections of all natural, personal oil fragrances in Classic Florals, Unisex Fragrances and our Sacred Oils series.

Cynthe Brush

Certified Clinical (Medical) Aromatherapist
Creating Custom Blends Since 1999

Therapeutic Essential Oils Practitioner & Self-Care Health Educator has used essential oils for personal, family, & client health issues since 1999.

Personal Consultations:
Pre-paid on an hourly basis

Gaia’s Pharmacopeia Buy Healing Essential Oils Blends / 100% Natural Botanical Perfumes:
Effective essential oil blends for Athletic Injuries; Sprains – Broken Bones; Wounds & Surgeries; Backaches; Headaches; Dizziness; Herpes Simplex; Stress and more.