Rose Geranium Therapeutic Essential Oil Properties

(Pelargonium graveolens)


Analgesic, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Depressant, Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Astringent, Diuretic, Insect Repellent, Refreshing, Relaxing, Sedative, Styptic, and Tonic

Traditional Medicinal Plant Healing Heritage

Body Systems Affected

Emotional Balance, Circulatory, Digestive & Nervous Systems, Skin

French Medical Uses

Diarrhea, Gallbladder, Gastric Ulcer, Liver: Jaundice, Sterility, Urinary Stones

Other Health Uses

  • Cardiovascular: Improves blood flow / reduces bleeding, Hemorrhoids; Varicose veins;
  • Digestive support: Traditionally used to treat Diarrhea, Dysentery and Colic; Gallstones, heals Ulcers, supports Liver detoxification (dilates bile ducts), balances the Pancreas;
  • Hormonal support: A vital component in the treatment of Endometriosis, Hormonal balance, Pre-Menstrual & Menopausal symptoms, reputed to help with Uterine and Breast Cancer (would certainly help the patient to relax and cope with the pain)
  • Oral health: Sore throats & infections;
  • Nervous System: Remedy for Herpes & Shingles, relieves Neuralgia, regenerates Nerve tissue, so may be useful for disease or chemo-induced Neuropathy;
  • Skin regeneration: Acne, Burns, Bruises, Eczema, Frostbite, Infections, Insect repellent & soothes Bites & Bee stings, Ringworm, heals Sores & Wounds; good as an Oily Skin Cleanser to balance the sebum;
  • Stress & Anxiety related issues: Confusion, useful for promoting Concentration, Depression, Insomnia, Panic & Anxiety, Tension;
  • Urinary Tract: Kidney stones


Reference Guide for Essential Oils, Tenth Edition by Alan & Connie Higley. Abundant Health, OCT 2006.

Gaias Pharmacopeia blends including this oil:

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