"Helped my sciatica so much!"


I LOVE the FlexR™! It helped my sciatica so much and also my right shoulder which got very sore at the end of the sciatica bout. (Makes sense on a Feldenkrais level) Diane tried it and loves it too. We want to buy more when we get our SS checks!

~ Tori C.

Cynthe Brush

Certified Clinical (Medical) Aromatherapist
Creating Custom Blends Since 1999

Therapeutic Essential Oils Practitioner & Self-Care Health Educator has used essential oils for personal, family, & client health issues since 1999.

Personal Consultations:
Pre-paid on an hourly basis

Gaia’s Pharmacopeia Buy Healing Essential Oils Blends / 100% Natural Botanical Perfumes:
Effective essential oil blends for Athletic Injuries; Sprains – Broken Bones; Wounds & Surgeries; Backaches; Headaches; Dizziness; Herpes Simplex; Stress and more.