"I am really looking forward to the bump shrinking down…. I wish you very well in all your products."


…recently ordered your oils for my Lypos [lipoma]. I am really looking forward to the bump shrinking down….love the consistency and the smell, I can smell it all day. Look forward to using more of your product for my Lypos [lipoma]. I wish you very well in all your products.

~ Lily S

Cynthe Brush

Certified Clinical (Medical) Aromatherapist
Creating Custom Blends Since 1999

Therapeutic Essential Oils Practitioner & Self-Care Health Educator has used essential oils for personal, family, & client health issues since 1999.

Personal Consultations:
Pre-paid on an hourly basis

Gaia’s Pharmacopeia Buy Healing Essential Oils Blends / 100% Natural Botanical Perfumes:
Effective essential oil blends for Athletic Injuries; Sprains – Broken Bones; Wounds & Surgeries; Backaches; Headaches; Dizziness; Herpes Simplex; Stress and more.