"This blend is a synergistic first aid POWERHOUSE!"


I’ve carried Cynthe’s special TRINITY blend in my pocket every day the last 5 months ready to apply to canker sores, mouth and lip wounds, troublesome pimples, skin scratches, etc. This blend is a synergistic first aid POWERHOUSE! It soothes and knocks out infections! I’ve gotten to love the aroma and taste of the ingredients: lavender, frankincense and clove.

Awhile back I happened to mention to Cynthe that for years I’ve been plagued with canker sores. They would develop in my mouth or on my lips at times of stress or if my teeth happened to nip the inside of my cheek while chewing or when sharp food bruised my mouth. Festering, this kind of wound would take weeks to heal, and while it did it would be sore and painful. I experimented with a lot of potential remedies topically and internally including essential oils, but no matter what I did I still went through the long healing process only to have it happen again.

Cynthe shared her own experiences with me. She said sometimes the herpes virus can linger in the body long after an original outbreak and manifest as canker sores and other sorts of skin infections. Looking back, I remembered the chicken pox I’d had as a child and the herpes zoster I had as a young adult, so I thought this was a likely reason. I was ready to give Trinity a whirl. And it has worked wonders. No more canker sores! I apply a little bit of Trinity to a new wound a few times, and I can literally feel and see healing taking place!

As a result of my experience, my husband also asks for Trinity at the first signs of developing a cold sore. Trinity works for him too.

Recently my co-worker had a fall, cutting and bruising one side of her lower lip. It was swollen and discolored, and she said it was very sore inside and out. I offered her some of my Trinity, and for the next few days she came to me for her ‘doses’ every few hours. I instructed her to put a drop on her finger and hold it on her inside lip so the oil would be absorbed before salivia took over. She applied a second drop to all of the bruised outside lip and area below it. She said Trinity relieved the pain, and I could see the tissue change as healing progressed. Now her lip is much improved and well on the mend. If I’d had helichrysum I would have suggested layering a drop of it over Trinity for additional help absorbing blood in the tissue and reducing inflammation.

Thanks Cynthe! Brilliant combo! I’m happy!

~ Susan B.

Cynthe Brush

Certified Clinical (Medical) Aromatherapist
Creating Custom Blends Since 1999

Therapeutic Essential Oils Practitioner & Self-Care Health Educator has used essential oils for personal, family, & client health issues since 1999.

Personal Consultations:
Pre-paid on an hourly basis

Gaia’s Pharmacopeia Buy Healing Essential Oils Blends / 100% Natural Botanical Perfumes:
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