Angels Touch™ 5ml bottle
~ All purchases include an email with PDF about essential oils in the blend(s) you’ve selected along with usage suggestions.
2003 Introduction: A blend of 7 emotionally uplifting essential oils, including ROSE, FRANKINCENSE, MYRRH, & SANDALWOOD, as a 24% dilution in organic jojoba oil.
In the winter of 2003, developed this gentle blend of soothing essential oils for an acquaintance, whose abdominal surgery incision wasn’t healing. Charles loved the blend’s aroma & the surgical wound healed beautifully. He dubbed us his ‘angels.’
Angels Touch™ may aid the body to speed healing of ABSCESSES & WOUNDS. It’s emotionally ENCOURAGING & UPLIFTING when inhaled or diffused for aromatherapy.
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Aromatherapy For You™ Best Health Consultations
We also do personal health consultations by phone & email, if you live at a distance. If you have a health issue and would like to use essential oils to support your well-being, give us a call or jot us an email. We enjoy working with our clients, one-on-one!
• VISIT our Essential Oils For Healing blog!
• READ more about pure essential oils’ therapeutic properties used in formulating our healing essential oil blends & all natural personal fragrances.
• LEARN about the benefits of Jojoba as a carrier oil.
Put several drops in the palm of your hand. The easiest way to get the drops out is to shake the bottle firmly, so drops fall into the palm of your other hand. OR tap the bottle into your palm.
Stir counter-clockwise 3 times with your fingers to energize the oils. Then apply per suggestions. Leave on, let absorb into skin. The essential oils and luxurious jojoba carrier will absorb completely after a minute or two without any oily residue.
For Abscesses or Surgical Wound Care: Apply blend around incision or injured area several times a day as needed. Once a scab is formed apply the blend directly over the area to minimizing scarring.
For ACUTE Health crises use 100% undiluted essential oils.
Diluted Essential oil blends (5%-20%) are often MORE EFFECTIVE for treating:
* CHRONIC Health Issues
* IMMUNE-Compromised Individuals
SOURCE: ISHA Clinical Aromatherapy Certification program.
NOTES: Therapeutic essential oils ~ grown organically (or wild-crafted), processed carefully to retain maximum therapeutic benefits ~ are expensive (but have minimal negative side effects compared to conventional, toxifying pharmaceuticals). They’re very effective and powerful. A little goes a long way.
CAUTION: *Keep bottles out of reach of children & pets.*
Customer Reviews
What Our Customers Say:
Today my little Jacob is one week old, so…I’m a week post-surgery [C-section].
Today has been a better day. I showered this morning and we applied the oils afterwards. [The surgical incision] doesn’t seem to be burning like yesterday and I’m walking a bit better. Maybe I’m expecting things to heal faster than would make sense.
The oils don’t hurt when they are applied, I meant that the incision was hurting/burning in general.
Should I dilute the Lavender and German Chamomile [essential oils] mixture for the rest of my belly?
When should I begin using the Revive™? After two weeks?
I have been dealing with some blues. I will get some of my oils close for sniffing when those feeling arise. This birth was very difficult. I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia and HEELP syndrome and had to have an early c/s. Went though some difficulty with the meds they put me on to keep me from seizing after the birth.
Now, I’m sore and dealing with very sensitive nipples from nursing. Time will heal, but I’m praying the oils speed that up a bit.
~ Kari P.
C’s Reply:
Glad to hear the EOs aren’t burning your tender incision….that’s what I was thinking from your first email. Still, I’d suggest only using the Angels Touch™ right on the incision and the skin right around it ’til you’ve been applying EOs for a week. Then start with Revive™.
Yes, why don’t you dilute the Lavender-German Chamomile essential oils 50-50% and then dilute that mixture 50% again with jojoba. The belly massage is to reduce inflammation and support quicker healing for the traumatized abdominal muscles & uterus.
Does wee Jacob nurse every 2hrs or so? You could use the belly dilution EOs on your nipples right after nursing. The EOs+jojoba will be well absorbed before it’s time for him to nurse again. Do that only until your nipples have toughened up and aren’t tender any longer.
Take care of yourself. Be patient with the healing process. Attend to your new baby and your other kids as best you can. These few weeks after birth are a big adjustment process in so many ways for everyone.
This morning was the first time I had noticed some improvements. Guess I jumped too quickly to thinking things weren’t working. When we applied the oils this morning I noticed the swelling around the incision had really gone down a great deal. It is still pretty sore, but I can certainly tell a difference today. I will continue with the Angels Touch™ through Sunday and then switch to Revive™. Do I continue to use the GC when I start the Revive?
Thanks so much for all your help!
I have been very happy with how quickly my incision healed! At my one week check up, my doctor was super thrilled with how good things looked. I told her I was using EOs and she said to keep doing what I was doing because it was looking wonderful!
My skin is still sensitive to the touch in my lower belly and still having internal pain, but not from the tender incision as that has healed nicely. I am guessing it’s the scar tissue that is causing the pain. After a whole week of using Angels Touch™, I have been using Revive™ for a week now on the incision area. Should I keep using it for a longer spell or is a week plenty?
The Angels Touch™ helped so much with nipple pain. However, it’s gone! Will Revive™ work as well? I am still sensitive, though not as bad as previous weeks.
Thank you again so much for all your help and these wonderful oil blends, they have been a huge blessing!
Incision is doing great! Tummy is still sore and have some intestinal pain.
Nipples are still sore, but some better. The Angels Touch™ really helped them, but it’s gone now. Having supply issues, so starting to use a pump which is making them more sore.
Postpartum blues are in full swing, especially with having trouble nursing and having a fussy baby.
Would I use the GC diluted on baby’s bottom for diaper rash? How would I use it for teething?
Thanks so much for checking in on me!
~ Kari P.
C’s Reply
Happy to know your doctor is pleased, too. If you feel she may be interested, let her know about our and websites. It would be great for OB-GYNs, MDs, and RNs to know more about essential oils.
Keep using the Revive™ / Lavender – German Chamomile essential oils combo on your belly and scar (if the scar’s teeny…then stop). Don’t want problematic scar tissue in your abdomen. You may want to ask your OB-GYN about massage techniques to prevent adhesions or look it up on-line.
Since the Angels Touch™ is out, apply 1-2 drops of your Lavender essential oil on your nipples (how ever much you need to cover the tender area). You may use it full strength right after nursing Jacob, so there’s time for your skin to absorb it before the next nursing.
We appreciate knowing how these blends work for YOU. Every person’s health circumstances are different with individual preferences and responses, so results & experiences vary.
Researching and getting the ‘right’ combination of essential oils to aid an individual’s body in healing is a healing art, combining science with intuition. I keep records on the folks I’m able to assist, to learn from their experience, pattern of healing, etc.
Please email me: with your experiences.
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