BackUp – 9-16-2009 – Catherine H.
BACKUP™ REVIEW: “…pulled a muscle in my right forearm. I was in so much pain. My injury should have taken at least 6 weeks to heal and within 2 weeks I was totally injury free.”
BACKUP™ REVIEW: “…pulled a muscle in my right forearm. I was in so much pain. My injury should have taken at least 6 weeks to heal and within 2 weeks I was totally injury free.”
FLEXR™ REVIEW: My husband, Bill, used this blend on a nagging shoulder / neck ache. With a few more weeks of consistent use, the discomfort vanished.
COPAIBA & PEPPERMINT™ REVIEW: “…on a 1 to 10 basis (10 being highest pain), I am now at about a 2 in discomfort. “
KneEASE™ REVIEW: “One of my incisions can’t seem to close itself completely, but the bigger of the two has been closed, scab free for days! My physical therapist commented yesterday morning about how well it healed up, closed and is fading back into my foot really quickly. I told him I’ve been using the oils twice daily. He was pretty impressed.”
KneEASE™ REVIEW: “I massaged several drops around the entire knee area, twice daily. The results have been most rewarding as the pain has subsided day after day.”
LYPOS™ REVIEW: “I have been using Lypos™ (3 bottles now…over 3.5 months) & have had very good results–almost gone.”
LYPOS™ REVIEW: “I would like to order another jar of Lypos. It’s working very well, but it was a very large lump (but now much smaller).”
LYPOS™ REVIEW: “After 5 applications I was quite certain that there was a difference”
LYPOS™ REVIEW: “Our client called two weeks later, thrilled! The lipomas had become smaller. The painful one wasn’t sore anymore. My client had been faithfully applying our custom blend morning and evening.”
TRINITY™ REVIEW: “This blend is a synergistic first aid POWERHOUSE! It soothes and knocks out infections!”
TRINITY™ REVIEW: “Her sister-in-law noticed IMMEDIATE relief! By the next morning, the swelling of her lips and mouth had subsided, the tissue tenderness was greatly reduced”
REVIVE™ REVIEW: “The smoothness of the healing is ASTOUNDING. You cannot even see or feel any scar now”
REVIVE™ REVIEW: “REVIVE was the ONLY thing to relieve the discomfort around my incision. Got me through the first surgery in a BIG way.”
REVIVE™ REVIEW: “After only 3 days of using REVIVE, my surgical incision finally closed and healed beautifully.”
SUREHEAL™ “Seems to be helpful as the wound seems to be healing faster than before!”
Certified Clinical (Medical) Aromatherapist
Creating Custom Blends Since 1999
Therapeutic Essential Oils Practitioner & Self-Care Health Educator has used essential oils for personal, family, & client health issues since 1999.
Personal Consultations:
Pre-paid on an hourly basis
Gaia’s Pharmacopeia Buy Healing Essential Oils Blends / 100% Natural Botanical Perfumes: Effective essential oil blends for Athletic Injuries; Sprains – Broken Bones; Wounds & Surgeries; Backaches; Headaches; Dizziness; Herpes Simplex; Stress and more.
Folks managing their own health and well-being are integrating essential oils in their personal care options. Especially, individuals who prefer natural alternatives and need effective choices, when pharmaceutical drugs create undesirable side effects or do not deliver the desired healing benefits.
Sharing holistic, wonderfully healing, natural essences! We enjoy sharing alternative health education options, empowering you and your loved ones to thrive.
Gaia’s Pharmacy offer blends for first aid, athletic injuries, family health, recovery from surgeries, stress management, and pure hand-crafted 100% natural botanical perfumes.
For medical issues, always obtain an accurate diagnosis from your licensed medical practitioner before working with a certified essential oils consultant educator. Under the scope of my Certified Clinical Aromatherapy training & ethical professional practices, I am not permitted to diagnose, prescribe, or make medical claims.
The educational information, traditional folk remedies, current health discoveries & uses described on this site & blog about therapeutic essential oils & hydrosols do not replace standard medical practices of any country.
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